Terms & Conditions

THE PRETTY PARLOUR ICE CREAM CO wants your event to be a success and the best way to achieve this is for all parties to understand the expectations from the outset. In choosing PRETTY PARLOUR as your caterer, you are deemed to have accepted these terms and conditions.


In these conditions of sale

The Company means PRETTY PARLOUR & or its Agents or Servants. The Buyer means the person whose order is accepted by the Company. The Goods means the Goods and/or other items and/or services the subject of the Contract. The Contract means the Order and the order acknowledgement together with the conditions. The Company’s terms and conditions are subject to change without notice.

If any of these terms are deemed invalid or unenforceable for any reason (including, but not limited to the exclusions and limitations set out), then the invalid or unenforceable provision will be severed from these terms and the remaining terms will continue to apply. Failure of the Company to enforce any of the provisions set out in these Terms and Conditions and any Agreement, or failure to exercise any option to terminate, shall not be construed as waiver of such provisions and shall not affect the validity of these Terms and Conditions or of any Agreement or any part thereof, or the right thereafter to enforce each and every provision.


PRETTY PARLOUR services are hired under these terms and conditions. The payment by any person/organisation of any fees and charges for such services shall also be deemed to be an acknowledgement and acceptance by such person/organisation of these terms and conditions. As every event is different, you are advised to check your invoice very carefully before making payment as the invoice details will be used to provide the agreed service on the day of your event.

All events are considered provisional until the receipt of the required deposit. Confirmation of your event will be upon receipt of the requested deposit/payment. Failure to provide one may result in PRETTY PARLOUR cancelling the event.

Payment Terms

As many costs are incurred on your behalf prior to the event date, PRETTY PARLOUR have the following payment terms: A deposit, based on a minimum of 25% of total quotation costs, is required immediately to confirm your event. Full prepayment of all known costs is payable 3 weeks before the day of your event. Outstanding accounts of 30 days will incur interest at 2% above the Bank of England Base Rate, of the total invoice. Established Corporate accounts are required to be settled in full within 7 days of the Event Date.


In the instance that you need to cancel your event, the following conditions will apply:

All cancellations must be made by telephone, in the first instance and then confirmed in writing or by email. The Event will only be cancelled when the Client is in receipt of a Cancellation Acceptance from PRETTY PARLOUR, which will either be a written letter or an email from PRETTY PARLOUR.

If the Client shall cancel or be deemed to cancel the Event one calendar month or more than one calendar month prior to the Event Date specified in the quotation, then the Client shall be liable to pay 25% of the Total Costs in addition to all out of pocket disbursements or costs of PRETTY PARLOUR in relation to the proposed provision of the Services, credit being given for any Payment on Account already paid. If the Client shall cancel or be deemed to cancel the Event less than one month prior to the Event Date specified in the quotation, then the Client shall remain liable to pay 100% of the total Costs. Any deposits paid are non-refundable in the event of your cancellation.

Where circumstances beyond PRETTY PARLOURs control prevent us from fulfilling any obligations, PRETTY PARLOUR will, by notice in writing to the Client, terminate the Contract and return to the Client any balance of the Payment on Account remaining after settlement of all or any costs, expenses or liabilities howsoever incurred in respect of the proposed provision of the Services.

Amendments and Final Numbers by Customers

14 days prior to the function no changes will be accepted, this includes catering numbers, final details on timing, food and special instructions etc.


PRETTY PARLOUR confirms that they have and will maintain sufficient Public Liability Insurance for events of the nature of the booking. A copy of the certificate (or scanned PDF image) is available upon request.

PRETTY PARLOUR follows strict HACCP guidelines for all food production, handling, storage and distribution and dealings with our clients and their guests. Our policy, based on these guidelines, restricts the service of foodstuffs to a maximum of four hours after being removed from refrigeration. PRETTY PARLOUR advises that all food must be consumed after two hours of initial serving, therefore any food consumed after two or more hours of it first being served is at the client’s discretion and therefore becomes their responsibility.

We do not accept liability for any failure to provide the service contracted which are due to circumstances beyond our control, including but not limited to electricity (if the services booked require it) and water failures, weather conditions, such as flooding, fire alarm evacuation, insufficient space for PRETTY PARLOUR to set up. As wind and other weather conditions can affect the performance of our catering equipment/operation if you require us to cater in a field, open area or another similar environment it is critical that we are positioned in an area where the wind and/or other weather condition(s) do not interfere with our equipment, as this can result in the Company not being able to provide the service or may result in significant delays which we cannot be held responsible for as this is beyond our control.

PRETTY PARLOUR, will always endeavour to provide the required service from the agreed ice cream van unit, however, if unplanned repairs are needed or adverse weather conditions occur, we reserve the right to provide the service from a different type of catering unit. E.g. If a specific colour van is booked for the event, it may be necessary to substitute this to another vehicle etc. We will do our best to notify you of any changes once we become aware.

At PRETTY PARLOUR we always aim to beat the traffic through early departure from our premises. If however we should be held up in traffic we cannot be held responsible if the service is not delivered on time.

Due to market conditions and seasonal changes, on occasion it may be necessary to substitute one food/drink item with another of similar quality.


PRETTY PARLOUR will provide you with the details of the space required to operate our ice cream van unit(s), it is the clients responsibility to ensure that you have this information and that there is sufficient room for us to drive onto the site, manoeuvre the vehicle(s), set up, operate the units and park any support vehicles. We expect the client to advise us of any width or height restrictions on the approach roads to the venue and provide information as necessary on the most suitable route into the venue for large vehicles.

In the event of adverse weather conditions, the Client is expected to clear all driveways, access roads etc, to allow us access to the property. We cannot be held responsible, if we cannot gain access and therefore are unable to deliver the service.

Branding of Ice cream vans/ Units

If the client requires the unit to be branded in their corporate colours, logo etc, this must be agreed with the Company in advance, a deposit will be payable, of which the amount will be agreed at the time. The deposit will be refunded after the event if the following conditions are met – 1) The branding is removed completely within the agreed timescales 2) No damage whatsoever is left to the trailer/unit as a result of the branding or by the company undertaking the application and or removal of the branding.

Pre-Contract Statements/Literature

The Company does not accept liability for any statements made whether written or incorporated into sales and technical literature during the course of negotiations.


Any particulars of timings, weights, measurements, power performance given in advertisements, brochures, catalogues, in correspondence or verbally although given in good faith must always be taken as approximate only and not in any way as a guarantee. All images in promotional materials are for illustrative purposes only and therefore should be used as a guide.

Force Majeure

If the manufacture, transport or delivery of the Goods be prevented, interrupted, delayed by circumstances beyond the Company’s control including but not limited to, war, civil riot, shipwreck or any accident at sea, in the air or on the land, fire, flood, Government order or control, or in any form strikes, lock outs, reduction in or unavailability of power supply or breakdown of plant machinery or shortage or unavailability of raw materials from normal sources or on any event for which a third party is responsible the Company shall have the right to cancel or delay delivery, the amount delivered or cancel the supply of Goods in such a manner as may seem reasonably fit and the Company shall not be liable for breach of contract.

Governing Law:

These terms and conditions shall be governed and construed and take effect in accordance with the laws of England & Wales.